The IEEE uSask Branch logo.

Welcome in! Whether it's a textbook rental, a study/snack space, or a night out at the Hose & Hydrant, we're here to help you succeed throughout your EE and CME degree.

Who We Are

We are an extremely active student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), based here in the College of Engineering. Our branch was first established in 1957 and has been going strong ever since. We handle the social, academic, and charitable needs of the Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduate and graduate students at uSask.

The goals of the IEEE uSask Branch are to:

  • Provide resources, opportunities, and activities that meet the needs of students and increase the quality of their academic lives
  • Encourage participation of new and returning EE/CME students in IEEE activities

  • Facilitate and improve communication between faculty/professors and students

  • Assist students in learning about local industry and expanding their professional network through networking events, job postings, and more

The McNaughton Centre is both a student lounge and the IEEE uSask Branch's headquarters. We're located in Room 2C54, by the stairwell.

We provide the following academic services out of our McNaughton Centre:

  • A reference library, which includes textbooks for almost all EE and CME classes available at the college
  • Exam files (mostly available online)
  • Volunteering opportunities and job postings
  • Casual homework help from upper year students in EE/CME

We also provide other services through the Centre:

  • Affordable food, drinks, and snacks
  • 3D Printer for academic and personal use - cheap per-gram cost!
  • Sale of engineering paper and various electronics parts and tools
  • Video games and TV - come play with your friends!
  • B+W Printer/Scanner for documents

Our branch organizes social activities, designed to prevent 'brain drain' in our members and to give the student body an opportunity to socialize in a more relaxed atmosphere. Some events include:

  • A 'Welcome Back' barbeque held at the beginning of the school year, giving new or returning members the chance to meet with upper years as well as faculty.

  • Student/professor bowling night, where students can network with their professors in a casual setting

  • Bxxr nights and pub crawls (sometimes in coordination with other discipline societies) to lift students' spirits and hang out with other disciplines

If you are interested in seeing executive meeting minutes, contact the Vice Chair! We are happy to share what's going on in the IEEE uSask Branch.

Generally, what's discussed during our meetings will make it to you through our email newsletters. Check your student email inboxes frequently for newsletters from IEEE PR!

We seek to ensure the students find success in their classes and professionally through running tutorials and other events such as:

  • The organization of midterm and final exam tutorials for second and third year EE/CME classes.

  • An annual industry tour trip to Edmonton or Calgary

  • An annual graduation banquet that recognizes the hard work and dedication of our student body and gives students a more personal graduation experience

  • Other academic services out of the McNaughton Centre

The Illumination Conference is hosted annually by the IEEE uSask Branch to expose students to more of the EE/CME industry. Through a mix of socializing, technical speeches, workshops, and networking opportunities between industry professionals, students, and professors, you can expect to be inspired and learn about new technologies and advancements in local industry. This is a great opportunity to practice networking; quite a few students found their first job at an Illumination Conference!

Historically, the Illumination Conference takes place over a weekend in the Winter semester, with guest speakers and industry professionals coming from across Canada. Stay tuned to email newsletters to learn about the current year's plans for Illumination!

We look to be a responsible member of the community in reaching out to support local Charities and not-for-profit organizations. This outreach is headed by our Community Outreach Director.

We partner with not-for-profit organizations for events and fundraisers to support local charities. Each year is something different!

By joining the IEEE and becoming a student member, you will have access to all of the following great benefits!

  • Discounts on event tickets and merchandising
    • Cheaper prices for bxxr nights, regional conferences, clothing sales, charity events, and more. You can make your money back very quickly!
  • Deals at The Hose and Hydrant.
    • Show your IEEE membership card to get discounts on food and drinks!
  • Free locker in the upstairs C-wing, with a student membership.
  • IEEE-exclusive scholarships. Many of them reach over the $1000 range and don't require a transcript!
  • Magazine subscription for Spectrum and Potentials, containing articles on new developments in industry and technological news. Looks nice on coffee tables!
  • Prestige: the IEEE is a well-respected and well-known international organization. Being a member (or, better yet, being involved in the student branch) is a notable achievement and looks great on resumes.
  • GOLD Savings: Your professional IEEE membership will be much cheaper after you graduate if you were a student member.

If you have any questions, you can always email us. We'd love to help.

Join Now!

All exams presented here have been recieved from their respective professors with their permission. Do not redistribute, sell, or modify these files. We hope they can help you while you study!


Second Year Classes




Third Year Classes











Fourth Year Classes










